News from bygone days
March 2010, A
New Champion!
Solomon at Westminster 2010 Here's Ch. Solomon after taking Best of Breed
in January December 2008 Ben and Rollo danced on Animal Planet's new show, Dancing With Dogs on December 6th. Ben took a lovely poop for the nation to admire and both did lovely bows. Laurel looked gorgeous in an orange tight something. They were much watched. I think it replayed four times....and beautiful. Shakoka (Bumper/Solomon) is racking up her points out west. Omen...son of Celeste and Nemo, brother of Juno and Solomon....is really beating the big guys in California. He has twice trumped two of the top ten dogs in the country, and one who is the brother of the top Newf in the country. The judge loved him because he was so happy. He's also gorgeous and we might even get a show picture. And our Elsa, mother of them all, mature, sensible, loyal, intelligent, etc. took her son Ben for a ten hour excursion. Hunters found them resting miles and miles from here and let us know. They took off again...we followed tracks until dark...and finally l0 hours later there was Ben coming up the road toward home. I walked that road a long time calling for Elsa. The dog warden had alerted everyone in the areas (of course he owns a Celeste/Gus puppy Sasha,...and finally the call came in nearer to our house at 8 pm.They'd seen tracks in the snow. While I was out walking the roads, Bob called to say Elsa had just appeared. They'd been on trail with our walker...who was supposed to put one of them each time on a thirty foot lead...and didn't. They took off after a deer about l0 a.m. It was a long day. I told Elsa how disappointed I was in her. She turned her head away from me. She understood. The vet explained when they get lost they run in smaller and smaller circles until they find something familiar. I guess they did. I think Bob and I gained ten years. Alex sent out prayers. All the neighbors helped. Even though they're microchipped, they didn't have collar tags. We put them on the next day. Life on the farm! Feb 2009
Elsie (Landseer), daughter of Elsa
& Solomon visits with her Uncle Neptune (black), On Valentine's Day
weekend, Thor showed in Greenville, SC. June 22 2008: Ben
and Rosie's awesome performance and the puppy Get Together May 2008 In case you are not familiar with
Rescue Training, in this photo, Rudy is saving Carole. January 2008
Jan 15th Puppy
Baby Shower!
Dec 9th 2007: Solomon (sire of two of the
new litters) became a
champion! Gus:
CH Blue Heaven's Valley Boy (sire of the 3rd litter) Zeus' Birthday Party April 2008 Eleven years ago Inka had a litter of ten puppies out of Silky. One of those puppies is a boy named Zeus. Along the way Zeus became a champion and had three litters. He is owned by a very nice gentleman who lives in Williamsburg, VA. Yesterday (4/23) Zeus was eleven years old. Brad, Zeus's owner, drove up from Williamsburg which is an eight hour drive. He drove all the way so that we could share Zeus's birthday with him. It was a very special day for Zeus, for Brad, and especially for us. Rhoda made a corn bread and liver birthday cake for Zeus and he ate three pieces all at one. We think he liked it. Zeus also took a walk with LaaLaa, his half sister (Silky's daughter) up to the creek beyond our barn. Then we all went to watch Molly at her drafting class where she pulled a bright red cart. Molly is Zeus's niece. So it was really a family get together. After that we all took another long walk around the park. The people at the training couldn't believe that Zeus was eleven. Neither Rhoda nor I could get over how much Zeus looks like his mother Inka. And Zeus is in amazingly terrific shape for an eleven year old. Brad and Zeus spent the whole day with us and we were thrilled to share it with them. Before they left, I made Brad promise to come back for Zeus's twelfth birthday. We know he will.
Here are
some pictures of Zeus and one of Zeus with Lulu who is thirteen and who is
Inka's sister and therefore Zeus's aunt.
November 2007
From Laurel Rabschutz:
earned his Rally-O
RN title in Springfield on Friday. Ben got a score of 100 and first
Okay, everyone, Blue Heaven's Tadoussac
Arrow aka Bouba did it. He is so far ahead of everyone in France at the
end of the year, he is #l. (see
rankings here) Soon they'll make it official. Plus, he also has a
championship in Luxembourg, which makes him a MultiChampion. His name is
getting very long: Multi Champion Blue Heavens Tadoussac Arrow. But
that's not all th enews from France. Rudy (Blue Heavens St Johns Regatta) has a
granddaughter named Suki (who is Rudy's spitting image) who is the
#2 Newfy bitch in France followed closely by Rudy's daughter, Ruby, who is #4
! Way to go,guys.This picture is Bouba.
New Champion! CH Tadoussac U Jules
Verne Trophy: Falll 2007
Yes, that
means six generations, alive and well. Here's how this one works:
July 7,
July 2007 Daisy (right), who
is 12 1/2 yrs old and the last surviving child of Molly (our original
foundation bitch),
1/17/07: Celeste has become a
champion! Here is a photo of her winning a 4 point major.
April 15: Ch. Blue Heaven's Arrow aka "Bouba"
Trail to becoming the #1 ranked Male Newfie in France in Spring 2007 Lily, daughter of Ch.Blue Heaven's Yukon Queen and Ch. Blue Heaven's
Captain America
Young Duncan, son of Theo & Pandanga's Addicted to You, looking gorgeous
August 2006: Kai
is a FlyBall champion. She is the only Newfie still active in
flyball in North America
May 20th: From France, Bouba (Ch. Blue Heaven's Arrow, son of
Cosmo becomes an International Champion! Ch. Blue Heaven's
Standard Bearer, an Annie/Packard son, May 22: Pictures of the Summer 2004 litter all grown up have been added and a page filled with pics of Miss Blue. May 22: After the latest FlyBall tournament, held in Vermont, Kai became the #1 Newf in the world playing Flyball. Here is the FlyBall Association website. Congrats to Kai and owner Cheryl Smagala. May 12th: THEO IS A CHAMPION! HIP HIP HOORAY!
May13th: Cowboy becomes an Official Therapy Dog. Here's Cowboy on his first day on the job at a Nursing home.
Feb 13, 2006: Champion Blue Heaven's Bumper was gorgeous at Westminster. Pictures coming. To see her running around Madison Square Garden, go to the Westminster Kennel Club site. The page with Day 1 videos has a link to Working/Newfoundlands. When you watch the video, there are two Landseers. The smaller one is Bumper
Ben (Blue Heaven’s Magellan) has his CD and also has his FDX (freestyle dog excellent in musical freestyle). Rollo, Mr. Pretty Boy (Blue Heaven’s Cerberus) has his Ch. CD, WD, and an FDX in both musical freestyle and heelwork to music. Rollo is also certified by the Delta Society as a Pet Partner. Read more about Laurel and her Dancing Dogs here
News from our dogs in France! Rennes National Dog Show, Nov 21: "Bouba" Reserve CACS Winner dog, Rudy CACS Winner bitch & BOS. Laval National Dog Show, nov 28: "Bouba" # 3 open male, "Rudy" CACS Winner bitch & BOS. At the Vic Barcelona National Dog Show in Spain (January 2005), Rudy took the CACS Certificate BOS and Cos the CACS Certificate and BOB. See more about these dogs on their very own website Oct 2005 A lovely phone call from Paris: Blue Heaven's St. John's Regatta (Rudy), daughter of Katie and Packard, just took her Championship today in Spain.Now she will go to Crufts!!!
Here are some puppies from the litter that Theo came from in the Spring of 2003, at four weeks old.
July 2004: Bumper has taken her second major. She took a four point major in New York and a three pointer in Vermont. She's getting there.
March '05: Bragging...Daisy, who is now over 10 years old, is now living in Vermont with our daughter, Julie, her husband, Rich and Daisy's new best friends, 11-year old Tasha and G.B. the fat cat. (See a photo of the 3 on the bottom of this page.) Daisy, who bounds around like a two year old, went to meet her new vet. After examining her (and not realizing the family ties involved), the vet said to Rich, "I have never seen a newfie this old with no problems. She must come from a very good breeder!" Here is a video of Daisy (in Oct 05, nearly 11 now) running to chase her Katie's Bumper!) Longevity is not a problem here. We have six dogs over 9 years old and two over 10 - all upright and moving. Puppies 2004 Update. Josie coming into her own. Molly's Penn Hip showed 90th percentile, which is fabulous. They are growing up. Apollo, after some serious retraining (less love, more discipline), is now walking the streets of his hometown, on a loose lead, carrying a backpack and handing out leaflets advertising Mom and Dad's new store in Skaneateles: Apricot Lane.
Fall 2002: 2 Blue Heaven Newfs owned by Laurel Rabschutz are turning heads in Freestyle (Dancing Doggies) Competitions. Ben (Blue Heaven's Magellan) made his freestyle debut at age 5 months by "performing" in 2 on-competitive classes. See more about Ben here. Also, Rollo (Blue Heaven's Cerberus) earned a Heelwork to Music title at the World Canine Freestyle Organization Estern Regional competition in Hershey PA on 9/27-28/2002. Laurel and Rollo earned 8.0 for Technical Merit and 8.5 for Artistic Impression on a scale of 1-10. More on Rollo the Dancing Dog here.
1998 and 1999 - Two Banner Years 1998 - Even though moving kept us very busy in 1998, we were still able to announce with pleasure that we received championships for three girls from one of Ishtar's litter, CH Blue Heaven's Yukon Queen (Annie), CH Blue Heaven's You Go Girl (Shanayne), and CH Blue Heaven's Queen of the Zodiac (Zoey). Along the way Annie took some fat Best of Breeds. Shanayne took Best of Winners at the Newfie Nationals and then was chosen Select. No one can remember the last time a bitch was chosen Select from the classes. Shanayne's mother, Ishtar, had also been chosen Select in 1994, but she already had her championship at the time. CH Blue Heaven's Rascal's Rowdy (Rowdy) also got his championship, making a total of four champions in 1998. 1999 - In 1999 we were especially proud to announce that Katie, who had her CD, DD, WD as well as her championship, passed her WRD (Water Rescue Dog). This made her a VN (Versatile Newf). It was the first VN for Blue Heaven and we were very pleased to add this title to our kennel. But this isn't the end for Katie. She loves to work and is a very talented dog. We plan to give her opportunities to achieve greater things as long as she is anxious to work. Annie was selected an Award of Merit Newfoundland at the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club show in Madison Square Garden in 1999. CH Blue Heaven's Over the Rainbow (Bo), who is Ben's grandson and reminds us so much of him, got his championship in 1999. Also, in 1999, two of our ladies were among the handful of bitches honored as Register of Merit (ROM) bitches. Walden Pond Shore Acres Molly (Molly) and her daughter CH Blue Heaven's Queen of Heaven (Ishtar) have produced enough titled children (conformation and working titles) to become ROM's. In the history of Newfoundland Register of Merits awards, only ten landseer bitches have been ROM bitches. Molly and Ishtar were numbers nine and ten. We are very, very proud of them and their children. The two ladies have brought great recognition to our small kennel.