In Memoriam
_______________________Harry_________________________ A Katie/Packard son JANUARY 30, 2000 - FEBRUARY 1, 2013 IN OUR HEARTS ALWAYS

Harry at 4 months


_______________________LaaLaa CH Blue Heaven’s Secret
LaaLaa is
gone, at least in the flesh which was getting pretty worn out
and we were immensely relieved to free her of her pain and
weakness. She was with us almost l4 years.
She was the
most remarkable of little pups. She never took her eyes off me,
cocked her head at every sound I made. She had too long a nose
and her bones were not big enough. So her potential for breeding
and the show ring was minimal. And she was very small, too small
for showing. But she was so intelligent and so connected when
she was only a few weeks old, I had to keep her, show ring or
Well she
surprised everyone. She had the fastest recall her trainer ever
saw. When we finally did take her in the ring, her movement was
so extraordinary that she took four majors in one weekend and
was a champion. Handlers and judges called each other to talk
about her movement.
Then she
produced Bumper, Gus, Bouba who also became champions who then
had their own champion offspring. Bouba became the number l
newfie in France. And LaaLaa, at age 11, got an award for best
veteran in one of the shows. LaaLaa has also passed on wonderful
While she
could still climb the stairs, she occupied my pillows and
wrapped herself around my head to sleep. Tail over my face, head
on top of my head. She ran the kennel with an iron hand just as
her mother Katie did. She would jump a guy twice her size to
stop a fence fight and chase him back to his kennel. However she
would lead her little pack over to a kennel to start a fence
fight when she thought it was appropriate. I remember her
trotting along on the trails, suddenly looking over her shoulder
to give the attack signal, and off three or four of them would
race to have a “conversation”. Once, out on the trail, their
walker paused to take something from her pocket. A cookie fell
out. Four dogs leaped backwards away from the cookie. They knew
who was the boss. LaaLaa walked in and took the cookie to which
she and she alone was entitled. Her daughter Elsa has taken on
LaaLaa’s role.
We will miss
LaaLaa terribly but so many parts of her are still with us,
including her children, grand children, and many great
grandchildren. //April 2012
________________________A Very Special In Memoriam,
August 2012________________________
Dear Rudy, Carole Bernard's best
girl, passed last week, gently in the night with her head on
Carole's chest. Her heart at 12 and a half had just worn
out. She was a remarkable girl, her temperment, her structure,
her movement, her power, her beauty were accliamed all over
Europe. Just a year ago she was the Wolrd Champion Veteran
Newfoundland, taking the kudos in Paris at the World Show. She
was #2 Newfoundland in France during the time her nephew Bouba
was #1.
Rudy was a daughter of our Ch. Catherine the
Great VN and our Packard. She went to France to start a kennel.
And she did. Theo and Celeste and Jules are her children
here in the US, all champions. She has many more in Europe.
Her kennel is
Tadoussac Newfoundlands in Brittany. Carole Bernard did
a marvelous job training and showing her. Rudy did ocean rescue
We are very fortunate to have her children and grandchildren
here in the USA to continue Rudy's great heritage and
very grateful to Carole for her love and dedication.
Rudy in 2005 with her trainer

Blue Heaven Lady of the
May 11,1998
– Nov 4, 2010
Written by Minnow's mom,
Dearest Minnow
What Daddy and I will remember most
about you was your attraction to humans and their attraction to
you. I’m not sure if it was because you were always happy or
because of your sensitivity or perhaps a little of both.
It seemed that you started your
life with us showing us how attracted to people you were.
Driving home from Blue Heaven we stopped at a rest stop to take
you for a walk. You very politely walked over to a group of
people sitting on the grass and just lay down beside them for a
while. You would rather be with people than eat. I saw this the
day you dropped a biscuit from your mouth while a small child
petted you.
I remember many of the funny
little things you did. As a puppy when you went out to go potty
two seconds out the door and you would be chasing bugs, I’d say
Minnow you have to go potty and you’d pop your head up with an
“oops, oh! I forgot.“ Once when I went to the door to let you
out it was pouring down rain. I said “Minnow it’s raining cats
and dogs! ” your reaction – let me at them! I liked to say you
were the Gracie Allen of the dog world. I remember the puppy
zooms you used to do around the family room couch – just for no
reason. I remember how you would wake me up with a cold nose
poke on Saturday mornings. I would have to get out of bed so
that you could get in and cuddle with Daddy. When Daddy would
stall about taking you for your morning walk you would come and
find me and watch as I nagged him to get going.
It always
amazed me that your senses were so keen. You could see deer in
the woods when no one else could. You knew when a car was
turning into the driveway. When we played hide and seek you
could not only track my path but my most recent path. You knew
when Toots was stressed or about to become ill. You would fetch
me with a very still and serious gaze.
We spent one Thanksgiving Day at
Aunt Bevy’s house. Dinner was served buffet style. When she
called “dinner’s ready” everyone lined up, then some one began
to giggle - you were in line!
At VOSM the photographer for the
local magazine chose you as one of her subjects. She started to
photograph you by lying on the floor in front of you. Then she
stood up to adjust her camera so you sat up and perfectly
presented your profile.
Hunting Easter eggs and having
treats from your Christmas were two of your favorite things.
We rode together on the golf
cart, your idea of carting. You were also a sled dog as we rode
together down the hill on the toboggan.
Even as an old dog you loved to
play. You would hunt over and over again for your mechanical
“piggy”, pounce on the mechanical “tigger” as it bounced or turn
on a dime to chase a spot of light from an infrared pointer.
You loved to visit Grandma Toots
at the nursing home and had a group of friends you had to see
when ever we went.
We took you out to get your
“people fix” whenever we could. You could spot a dog lover in
need from several yards away. So often it was some one who was
remembering the loss of a pet. They would talk with us as you
sat by them and they stroked your fur.
I remember your tenth birthday
when we took you to the local garden center. People would stop
to pet you and when some one would say “Happy Birthday” you
would acknowledge with your doggie smile and an extra tail wag.
At one point there was actually a line of people waiting to wish
you well. When you became ill and had to have a liquid diet, you
would sit in front of me and lift your chin so I could tie an
apron around your neck.
Many, many people will remember
you, those who knew you well and the many strangers you met.
Daddy liked to say that just your presence had a calming effect.
Even now when I look at a picture of you your happy face
brightens my day.
I know that for many years to
come people who see a big black dog pass by will smile and
remember the dog they met named “Minnow.”
passed away Oct 27, 2009
This great big, beautiful boy was a Packard/Katie son born in
January 2000.
Click here for pictures of Dreyfus and
his siblings
I sit and try to write the words I want your heart to
hear. Hoping to find some comfort in the fact that
you're not here. In life I loved you dearly, in death I
love you still, in my heart you hold a special place-no
other could ever fill. I lost my best friend, the kind
you can't replace. Your presence will always be felt,
for the love we shared was a precious gift. You are my
handsome boy, gone from my life, but you will live in my
heart forever. - Bobbie Lupescu
June 2008
Tasha and Blue Heaven's Daisy Daisy
Tasha, our daughter's rescue passed away on a Sunday at 14 1/2.
The next Saturday, heartbroken Daisy, who was 13 1/2, had been
living with them for four years and had also been ailing, gave
in as well.
Both girls had wonderful, long lives and brought joy to many.
They are and will always be sorely missed. |
In Memoriam Feb 2007
Ch. Blue Heaven's Captain America: "Joey"
Ch. Blue Heaven's Captain America has left us. Joey was a single
pup, son of our famous Ishtar. I carried him around in a bag
hanging from my neck so he wouldn't be lonely. He was joyous,
noisy and funny and always happy to see people and other dogs.
He said when he got to heaven he became very very big, as big as
the Sphinx and could see over the mountains to the ocean. He
also reports he finally receives esteem. He has never had esteem
before, he says, but he has lots of it now and it feels very
good. He was our goof ball. He and Annie, his half sister,
challenged each other over one particular red clutch ball. When
Annie wanted it, he always just dropped it for her. Whenever we
went into his run his tail was always wagging as fast as it
could. It was an invitation to come in and visit.
When he finally took his championship, we asked him what he did
differently. He said, "I made believe I was swimming. I put my
head up high above the water, stretched my front legs out as far
as I could and kicked my back legs as hard as I could." He was
Joey gave us beautiful puppies and a wonderful time. He enjoyed
every minute of his life. And so did we.
Memoriam May 2006
Blue Heaven's
Yukon Queen: "Annie"
Ch.Blue Heaven's Yukon Queen has left us at ten and a half
wonderful years. Annie was just like her mother Ishtar. I can
remember saying no to her only once. She was as good as gold,
steady, loyal and solid.. Even without coat she took an Award
of Merit at Westminster. Her movement was magnificent and her
bone and head extraordinary. She produced some wonderful
offspring, among which are International Champion Blue Heaven's
Standard Bearer and Laurel Rabschutz's famous dancing dogs Ben
and Rollo. She had a generous spirit. She didn't share all of
her knuckle bones but when we asked her to nurse Laalaa's
puppies, she was happy to help. Our best memory of Annie was
the way she climbed the stairs every night to our bedroom. Even
though at the end it was a struggle, she always gave a strong
celebratory hop on the last stair. And we always stood still and
watched and laughed at her happiness. |
In Memoriam
July 1995 - March 2006
Blue Heaven's Inka Dinka Doo and Blue Heaven's Alexander the
Children of Ch Blue
Heaven's Mornings at Seven (Pippa) and Ch TopMast
Checkers When he wasn't watching t.v., Alex spent his life as a therapy dog with
the clients of his owner who is a psychotherapist. He knew all the jingles,
especially if the ads had animals in them and would run to watch
when he heard them. Inka spent her life doing whatever she
wanted to. She loved digging for mice with her sister. She loved
swimming and fetching, and refused to come out of the water, waiting even past dark for
someone to throw the darned stick! The first word she could
spell was c-a-r. They will be horribly missed and always adored. Inka told us through the animal communicator, "Don't think
you're done with me yet!"
They were 10 1/2 years old.
Here is a recent photo when Inka
(left) went to Long Island to visit her brother for Christmas
2005. |