Heaven Kennels Breeders of Newfoundlands:Champions and Soulmates
![]() Watercolor by Sinclair Stratton 2009 |
Rosie is one of the Spring 2006 puppies. See more pictures from that litter here. Rosie was picked up by her new owner during the big flooding in the Northeast. Lee managed to safely drive from Binghamton to the Philadelphia Airport for the flight home to California. Once home, he sent us this little story of Rosie's Big Adventure! The first photo is Rosie @ the Philly Airport greeting the crowd. Next LAX and the end of a long flight. Then she is down for the count in the comfort of her spacious air conditioned mini van. A fitting end to a long arduous journey. The grand finale was the two of us standing in line (@ the Philly Airport, the second long line we had endured, with almost 50 people still ahead of us and less than 40 minutes to departure time. What appears to be a supervisor arrives at the counter asking is there anyone in line for flight 195 to LAX? Ya da thought we were on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange... waving our paperwork overhead resounding in a loud voice "live puppy here, live puppy here, make way coming through". With that we squeaked right under the radar @ 84 degrees farenheight. What great fun lets do it again soon! We arrived home @ 3:30 am Pacific time. She is doing just fine and has already settling in her new digs.